
Want some thoughts on an issue involving Salary

I just wanted to get this off my chest and get some opinions, originally this didn't bother me but as I think about it more and more it's becoming the opposite. Context! There is Company A which I work for as a Senior Dev and Company B which I'm hired by on behalf of Company A. Company A uses Company B because they already work with Company B on other projects and either as a cost cutting measure (lol, irony) or because it's in the relationship building contract (I'm not at all sure what it's called or if it's even a thing). Either way, all my work is done for Company A, Company B just manages my contract, Salary, etc. I just had a conversation with my Not Manager (I work with them and their team; they're not my direct manager but still involved with important decisions involving me. I'm…

I just wanted to get this off my chest and get some opinions, originally this didn't bother me but as I think about it more and more it's becoming the opposite.


There is Company A which I work for as a Senior Dev and Company B which I'm hired by on behalf of Company A. Company A uses Company B because they already work with Company B on other projects and either as a cost cutting measure (lol, irony) or because it's in the relationship building contract (I'm not at all sure what it's called or if it's even a thing). Either way, all my work is done for Company A, Company B just manages my contract, Salary, etc.

I just had a conversation with my Not Manager (I work with them and their team; they're not my direct manager but still involved with important decisions involving me. I'm kind of loaned out to them as a development resource, weird but it works.

The issue

I recently had a convo with said Not Manager that they were considering making cost cutting measures and asked if I would be willing to transition to a perm role. I thought that was a but weird, if they were going to cut costs, wouldn't they just fire me?

Turns out, Company B is charging Company B A about 150k to essentially manage Payroll for me yet they're only paying me about 50k.

When I asked for pay rise last year (cost of living issue) they gave me a relatively tiny bump that put me at my current salary, I gave them a range for a 1k-5k increase and yet despite charging more than three times what they're paying me (at the time, now its slightly less) they gave me a pay-bump at the bottom of that, about 2.5k.

My issue with this isn't the amount (I can comfortably get by with the current amount, though I won't say more money would go amiss) and my reason for wanting the transition is because essentially, I'm dealing with a bureaucracy (Company A) via an abstraction which is an even bigger bureaucracy (Company B), just asking for expenses is a Pain.

My issue is how disingenuous this feels, how can they charge Company A so much and then only value me as worth about one 3rd of that and even give me such a tiny bump when I ask for pay rise. I even felt bad for asking for a pay increase, I always feel bad when I ask for them to the point, I've only ever gotten one when I moved roles.

Am I greedy for feeling this way? Am I wrong for feeling like I've been short-changed? Am I being payed what I'm worth and I should just shut up be happy I'm being payed enough to comfortably live on?

I honestly don't know what to feel.

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