
Pretty sure my lead at my new job is a Taskmaster, and I probably cannot do anything else about it.

Taskmasters are quick to assign tasks to other people to avoid having to do anything — and yet as soon as a task is completed, somehow the Taskmaster is there to take credit for getting it done. They constantly work to create the perception that they are so busy that they just couldn’t possibly work one more thing into their day. In reality, they have a lazy streak a mile wide, and they work harder to get out of work than most of us do to get our work done. Here we go! I started a new job a little under 3 months ago. Little less money than my previous one, but only 5 minutes from home vs. the 30-40 minutes that I had to drive to and from for the previous position. Less pay is directly a result of less responsibility, which I don't mind since it isn't as…

Taskmasters are quick to assign tasks to other people to avoid having to do anything — and yet as soon as a task is completed, somehow the Taskmaster is there to take credit for getting it done. They constantly work to create the perception that they are so busy that they just couldn’t possibly work one more thing into their day. In reality, they have a lazy streak a mile wide, and they work harder to get out of work than most of us do to get our work done.

Here we go!

I started a new job a little under 3 months ago. Little less money than my previous one, but only 5 minutes from home vs. the 30-40 minutes that I had to drive to and from for the previous position. Less pay is directly a result of less responsibility, which I don't mind since it isn't as stressful, but the amount of work stress that is starting up REALLY isn't worth the money.

The person that I work with is nice, but I'm getting the impression that about 50% of the reason the AR department is so behind is solely on her. She constantly blames the people from the department (and trust me, they do almost nothing) but I don't really see her doing much most days either besides jumping in and out of spreadsheets. To be clear, I like her as a person, but she probably shouldn't have her job. I think she's wildly unqualified for it and was only put into the position because there was no one else.

She does not have the ability to be on time for work, we start at the same time and she usually comes in about 10-15 minutes after me. She also calls in about once every 2 weeks. Sometimes for multiple days. She was written up for attendance about 3 weeks ago, so she currently doesn't miss anymore days, but she is still late. Pretty sure she'll backslide in about a month to calling in again.

She constantly forwards me emails about things that she “wants me to call on” or “send a follow up” and these are things she has *apparently* been working on for months. Once these are in my lap, she then tells the site manager that she has “handed these things off to me and I'll be taking over and they should be resolved soon”

I know that my work has made a difference with the monthly AR reports, because the accounts owed are going down. And I know that I have personally helped bring in about 100k from the past due reports in about 2 weeks. Pretty sure the recognition for this is going to this team lead. I don't require attaboys from anyone, but if someone is going to get kudos for the improvements, it damn sure shouldn't be going to the team lead who spends most of her day complaining about how behind or messed up the accounts are. Each and every conference call she has, could probably be cut down by, at least, 20 minutes, but she likes to chitchat with people at the corporate office about other personal shit.

I was told that I would not have to be on the phone all day, yet here we are. I am spending most of my 8 hours on the phone since I'm one of the 2 people recently hired to work in AR and the other new employee “doesn't want to do phone calls” so they all fall on me. We only started 3 weeks apart, mainly because I wanted to give notice at my last job, and she didn't have one. I don't understand how a new employee gets to pick and choose what they will do, and I'm 99% sure this went down only because this other new employee identifies more with the site manager based their similar ages and politics. Oh yeah, the site manager LOVES brown nosing and nepotism! Her daughter works here and does fuck all.

TLDR-My new job has a person who is taking credit for the positive things being accomplished, yet offering none of their own effort into the improvements. Other new hire refuses to do things that are part of the job description. This company will not get a notice from me when I leave.

I am already looking for a new job, but I needed to vent.

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