
Was I fired what should I do?

I had it out with my boss the other night I worked practically full time at a restaurant wanted to pick up more hours at another one he didn’t like that very much so he decided to cut my hours I called him on it in the end he said “you can be pissed all you want” to which I replied “ I’m pretty fucking pissed” boss retaliates “ok then go bro” “ok I’ll go” I said “let me get my shirt” and then I left did I get fired or quit. Now should I apply for unemployment or not as a fuck you to my boss?

I had it out with my boss the other night I worked practically full time at a restaurant wanted to pick up more hours at another one he didn’t like that very much so he decided to cut my hours I called him on it in the end he said “you can be pissed all you want” to which I replied “ I’m pretty fucking pissed” boss retaliates “ok then go bro” “ok I’ll go” I said “let me get my shirt” and then I left did I get fired or quit. Now should I apply for unemployment or not as a fuck you to my boss?

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