
Was let go abruptly

Hello, so as of this morning I no longer have a job. It was supposed to be a 6 month contract to hire (I know this isn’t always likely) but I was just let go at month 2. The strangest part is I was told nothing except for I was doing a good job. I was given barely little to no code feedback ( I worked as a developer and is usually common practice to code review) but there claim for cancelling my contract was I worked too fast and my quality of work didn’t align with there standards. My issue is if my quality of work was a problem why not mention it? As well as I just hit month 2 and up to this point I was given tasks with no deadlines with very little instructions. I asked questions many times. There was even a time I was…

Hello, so as of this morning I no longer have a job. It was supposed to be a 6 month contract to hire (I know this isn’t always likely) but I was just let go at month 2. The strangest part is I was told nothing except for I was doing a good job. I was given barely little to no code feedback ( I worked as a developer and is usually common practice to code review) but there claim for cancelling my contract was I worked too fast and my quality of work didn’t align with there standards. My issue is if my quality of work was a problem why not mention it? As well as I just hit month 2 and up to this point I was given tasks with no deadlines with very little instructions. I asked questions many times. There was even a time I was assigned a task that was impossible because the database wasnt updated and that was my managers job to do so but claimed it was fine then the next day said he made a mistake and I was right then took hours to update it and then I was able to complete the task. Now given I get it I was a contractor and the expectations are different but still 2 months with no feedback just the expectations to be at there “standard” is insane. I always asked questions and always did my work. But looking back this job was sus it was advertised as a mobile xamarin job and the job was a web development blazor/.net focused position. The head devs would take hour coffee breaks and longer than normal lunch breaks. I banged out so many tasks I was eventually working on the current thing my manager was supposed to be working on / finishing. The worse and most unprofessional part was I was in the office yesterday but they decided to lock me out of the account 30 mins into my remote shift today and then email my recruiter my contract was being ended then never heard a single word from them. Overall I’m mad and I feel unqualified but truthfully I’m starting to realize this was a shit environment

Also no code review just “expecting” is wild

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