
Was my job environment toxic or did I overreact?

I found a really good job last year. It was almost too good to be true, but then the GM came back from vacation (she wasn't there the first 2 weeks I started) and things changed. She added me to a group chat she created for work where she sent lots of passive aggressive messages that made me nervous personally. Things like: “just to let you all know I finished doing the extra side stuff. Thanks for the help. I appreciate you all letting me do all the work by myself!” Or “shame on whoever clogged the toliet. I fought for us to have a breakroom. It's a privilege.” Basically blaming whoever in the group chat. Other coworkers would point fingers too in the chat the point where I left it. She would constantly ask why I was sitting in the break room when I was taking my break. I…

I found a really good job last year. It was almost too good to be true, but then the GM came back from vacation (she wasn't there the first 2 weeks I started) and things changed.

She added me to a group chat she created for work where she sent lots of passive aggressive messages that made me nervous personally. Things like: “just to let you all know I finished doing the extra side stuff. Thanks for the help. I appreciate you all letting me do all the work by myself!” Or “shame on whoever clogged the toliet. I fought for us to have a breakroom. It's a privilege.”

Basically blaming whoever in the group chat. Other coworkers would point fingers too in the chat the point where I left it.

She would constantly ask why I was sitting in the break room when I was taking my break. I would come into work never knowing which rooms to clean or what to do. I would have to run around the hotel asking other leads what I was supposed to be doing half the time, until she finally texted the me the rooms to clean.

I asked to go back to part time after I got sick with covid and she wouldn't get back to me. So then I asked to put my two weeks in and she finally replied “we don't need you. We are good. Good luck.”

Some of the former employees quit because they said she was really mean.

It sucks because I miss the job. But I don't miss the manager. I feel like I'm not sure if I escaped a toxic environment or if I should have just stayed.

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