
Was this comment rude ?

I work for two people, a lawyer and his wife. I remember my second day of work I was standing outside the office glass door and my hands were full and I forgot I was given the emergency key to enter (we have scan cards but I was still waiting on mine) and I kind of stood there and the lawyers wife saw me and realized I needed the door opened and opened it and said “next time use your key, I’m not your servant.” I know I should’ve used my key, but it was my second day and I forgot I even had it, and my hands were full so I wasn’t really thinking about pulling it out of my bag especially cause I saw her, but did I deserve her saying “I’m not your servant.” I feel like that was unreasonably rude, but maybe it’s not to some…

I work for two people, a lawyer and his wife. I remember my second day of work I was standing outside the office glass door and my hands were full and I forgot I was given the emergency key to enter (we have scan cards but I was still waiting on mine) and I kind of stood there and the lawyers wife saw me and realized I needed the door opened and opened it and said “next time use your key, I’m not your servant.”

I know I should’ve used my key, but it was my second day and I forgot I even had it, and my hands were full so I wasn’t really thinking about pulling it out of my bag especially cause I saw her, but did I deserve her saying “I’m not your servant.” I feel like that was unreasonably rude, but maybe it’s not to some ? I don’t know

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