
We need to tear down capitalism completely. (big rant)

It's just now hitting me how bad the system is fucking us. We're basically doomed if we don't take action. I'll try my best to explain. I'm a college student right now. I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars per year to get a little slip of paper saying I spent four extra years of my short life studying. And the thing is, I don't even like what I'm studying. I only chose it because it is a sure way to get money in the future. I fucking hate it here. Studying something I don't like just so that I can spend the rest of my life doing the same thing I don't like. All because it's make a living, or starve. The thing I love most in the world is making music. If I had my druthers, that's what I'd be doing right now. Working on music and spending…

It's just now hitting me how bad the system is fucking us. We're basically doomed if we don't take action. I'll try my best to explain.

I'm a college student right now. I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars per year to get a little slip of paper saying I spent four extra years of my short life studying. And the thing is, I don't even like what I'm studying. I only chose it because it is a sure way to get money in the future. I fucking hate it here. Studying something I don't like just so that I can spend the rest of my life doing the same thing I don't like. All because it's make a living, or starve.

The thing I love most in the world is making music. If I had my druthers, that's what I'd be doing right now. Working on music and spending my time doing that instead of worrying about exams. But no, I have to spend my time on schoolwork, again, for something I do not enjoy doing. I'm throwing my life away. I can just tell I'm going to need to do this shit for the rest of my life just in order to not starve. How can you call it the land of the free when the thing I want to do more than anything else in the world is forbidden because I need to slave away to make someone else profits? In what way is that freedom? I have no real choice about what I can do with my life.

And even if I was able to do music for a living, that would take all the joy out of it. I love music because it makes me feel good. It makes other people feel good. Not because of money. But in this capitalist hellhole, if you can't make money with it, you can't spend time on it. Doing it for money would be pointless. It just wouldn't be fun anymore. I'd be so focused on that that I could do music for music's sake anymore.

So here I am, about to be thousands of dollars in debt achieving something that has drained me completely, all so that I can be drained again in the workforce for decades upon decades. The thought of that is so grim to me.

And other people have it way worse than me. If I think I have no future, I can't imagine what others must be feeling. Capitalism takes the whole joy out of life. Unless you love sitting in an office all day or something, you will have to work doing something you don't like to make some guy who doesn't care about you richer. Because the punishment if you don't is homelessness and death.

Being forced to make money either makes you do something you don't enjoy doing until you die or it sucks all the joy out of something you like doing. It's fucking bullshit. It's slave away just to line some random greedy dude's pockets or starve. They don't care about us no matter how much they might fake it. Capitalism is set up to squeeze every cent out of you and then toss you to the side with zero regard for your happiness or the well-being of you and the planet.

That's another thing, the planet. Capitalism will eat away at this big rock until there's nothing left. Profits drive everything, so oil and gas companies will not stop their bullshit ever, no matter how many petitions you sign. Doesn't help that both political parties are right wing and are buddies with all the CEOs. If we do not stop capitalism, we will not stop climate change. As much as the companies want you to believe this, recycling will not stop anything in time. We have a few years before irreversible damage and electric cars will not do NEARLY enough. We just need to stop these companies in their tracks, fucking obliterate them, and take real action.

WE NEED TO TEAR THIS SHIT DOWN. We will not survive if we don't. Please, for the love of god, do everything you can to spread awareness and solidarity. This is absolutely essential. Read the communist manifesto and others, organize your workplace, join organizations, anything helps. Capitalism is draining millions of people while launching the planet into a climate catastrophe. If we do not stop this within the next couple of years we might all be fucked man. It's set up against all of humanity except for a few rich old white dudes.

So yeah, that's it. Had to get it out somewhere. If you took the time to read all this, I appreciate it. But seriously, please take action.

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