
Well I got a new job

Let me tell y’all about the shit show I just went through before finding a new job that I think is going to be a good place to work. So I have worked in the telecom industry for about 8 years. And recently got hired as a fiber splicer for a contractor in my state. The operate in multiple states and headquarters is not in my state. I get through the interview process they express that they would like to put me as an “apprentice” for my position because there’s a technical tool that I have had minimal experience with and would need to be trained to use it before they would feel comfortable giving me the splicer position which would come with a 4$ pay bump. I accept, and they express should only be ability 2 months of training to get me comfortable with it. I will get a…

Let me tell y’all about the shit show I just went through before finding a new job that I think is going to be a good place to work.

So I have worked in the telecom industry for about 8 years. And recently got hired as a fiber splicer for a contractor in my state. The operate in multiple states and headquarters is not in my state. I get through the interview process they express that they would like to put me as an “apprentice” for my position because there’s a technical tool that I have had minimal experience with and would need to be trained to use it before they would feel comfortable giving me the splicer position which would come with a 4$ pay bump.

I accept, and they express should only be ability 2 months of training to get me comfortable with it. I will get a company vehicle and will get paid for my drive time too and from my house because I will bring a vehicle home.

The vehicle shouldn’t take longer than 2 weeks for me to get, so I’m the meantime I have to drive my own car unpaid to the office and get dropped off by a coworker to pick up my vehicle at the end of the day.

I get to the first week and I can just tell that my new coworkers are not happy, even having one go as far to say to me “I’ve been an apprentice for a year and a half and see no promotion in sight” “I used to be a happy, come to work and make the best of it guy” “look at me do I look like the person you want to be a year and a half from now”

The answer was no.

2 weeks rolled by and still no vehicle so I’m paying to drive 40 minutes to and from work each day. And missing out on a potential 5+ hours of paid time do to the fact that I am driving my car to work.

3rd week comes and our manager has left us with multiple days where he drops jobs on us that “have to be done today” like they are due today and we aren’t told about them until 3pm on of those days was a Friday where I didn’t get home until 8pm due to our managers poor time management.

Monday of week 4 coworkers all meet in the field and stage a mutiny. Myself and 3 coworkers who have all been here putting up with this shit a lot longer than I have all file up too 9 HR complaints that go straight to the corporate office. By end of the week our manager has been demoted and moved to another office.

Week 5 I get a call asking to schedule an interview with my new current job. Take the interview and nail it.
Also get hounded by PM to stop taking my 15 minute break to help a coworker collect tools for a job. At this point I have had multiple days throughout my employment with no lunches some of those days being 14 hour night shifts. So to have them get on me about my break when I haven’t even had a lunch that day at 6&1/2 hours into work pissed me off.

Week 6 put my 2 week in.

And the rest is pretty uneventful I still feel like calling the head of their HR to express that I left an industry I had 8 years of experience in because of how over worked and completely disrespected my and my coworkers had been.

I was never given a vehicle and when a vehicle did become available 4-5 weeks in it was given to a new hire that had been there 2 days instead of me who had been there a month already…

Biggest take away is call your managers out to HR when theyre a problem. And do it in drives if you can.

Remember you are the revenue source not management.

TLDR: old job shitty, boss got demoted, still changed industries to get away from that hellscape

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