
Well I just quit

When I showed up to work today everything was going great no issues no nothing. About halfway through my shift my supervisor called me into the office where he and my assistant general manager were sitting. I was written up for leaving ten minutes early the night before. My time to leave is 9pm I left at 8:50. I was also in two hours early yesterday as well. I’m not one to leave early on a normal day but when my schedule is changed or I’m asked to come in early my chef is cool with me(sous chef) leaving early after everything is cleaned up and the line cooks have their breaks. Which I do every day I’m here. So having a job offer waiting for my answer which I gave today I told them “I’ll finish tomorrow and I’m gone.” I’m never going back to a corporate run kitchen…

When I showed up to work today everything was going great no issues no nothing. About halfway through my shift my supervisor called me into the office where he and my assistant general manager were sitting. I was written up for leaving ten minutes early the night before. My time to leave is 9pm I left at 8:50. I was also in two hours early yesterday as well. I’m not one to leave early on a normal day but when my schedule is changed or I’m asked to come in early my chef is cool with me(sous chef) leaving early after everything is cleaned up and the line cooks have their breaks. Which I do every day I’m here. So having a job offer waiting for my answer which I gave today I told them “I’ll finish tomorrow and I’m gone.” I’m never going back to a corporate run kitchen again. Screw the hospitality business I’m going private from now on.

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