
We’re all going to get covid a million times.

“Returning to office” when the work can easily be done from home is truly evil. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. I have heard of people getting covid 3 months after their prior infection. Now imagine dealing with that possibility every year for the rest of your working life. Listen, I know plenty of people hate masks or whatever, but the more studies that come out about long covid, the more terrifying it becomes. A mild infection can be debilitating. “Oh just wear a mask at your office if you’re that scared.” None of my coworkers wear one and they would treat me like a freak if I did. It’s a fucked up situation.

“Returning to office” when the work can easily be done from home is truly evil. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. I have heard of people getting covid 3 months after their prior infection. Now imagine dealing with that possibility every year for the rest of your working life. Listen, I know plenty of people hate masks or whatever, but the more studies that come out about long covid, the more terrifying it becomes. A mild infection can be debilitating.

“Oh just wear a mask at your office if you’re that scared.” None of my coworkers wear one and they would treat me like a freak if I did. It’s a fucked up situation.

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