
What am I doing?

I work for a non profit medical center. I am the outreach coordinator. They hired me 3 weeks ago and I have spoken with my supervisor twice. No direction, mission is relatively clear, but they haven't given me any clear duties. Whenever I ask a question to the program manager, she basically says I'm doing everything right and that things will “pick up”. I wasn't told I couldn't work from home, so I have just been acquiring contacts from the house. This is a new position and I feel like they hired me, just so they could spend the money. Why does this feel so weird?

I work for a non profit medical center. I am the outreach coordinator. They hired me 3 weeks ago and I have spoken with my supervisor twice. No direction, mission is relatively clear, but they haven't given me any clear duties. Whenever I ask a question to the program manager, she basically says I'm doing everything right and that things will “pick up”. I wasn't told I couldn't work from home, so I have just been acquiring contacts from the house. This is a new position and I feel like they hired me, just so they could spend the money. Why does this feel so weird?

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