
What annoys you about your current role?

Full disclosure: I’m pro-work and actually like my job but there are areas that annoy me A LOT. I’ve literally saved the firm millions over the years using my skill and experience and yet still get pulled up on items which don’t impact my work or have a negative impact on the firm’s bottom line. I prefer wfh as I save commuting costs – employer has the benefit that I work longer hours and can join online calls (within reason). This doesn’t build culture and team spirit apparently…..I have plenty of conversations with different people on a daily basis and if I was in the office I’d be sat alone anyway on Zoom calls most probably! I also wouldn’t be working any extra time whatsoever. Where possible I’ve tried to book business travel directly rather than using our authorised provider. I can get better deals using promo codes and Blue…

Full disclosure: I’m pro-work and actually like my job but there are areas that annoy me A LOT.

I’ve literally saved the firm millions over the years using my skill and experience and yet still get pulled up on items which don’t impact my work or have a negative impact on the firm’s bottom line.

I prefer wfh as I save commuting costs – employer has the benefit that I work longer hours and can join online calls (within reason). This doesn’t build culture and team spirit apparently…..I have plenty of conversations with different people on a daily basis and if I was in the office I’d be sat alone anyway on Zoom calls most probably! I also wouldn’t be working any extra time whatsoever.

Where possible I’ve tried to book business travel directly rather than using our authorised provider. I can get better deals using promo codes and Blue Light Scheme discounts, not having to pay our travel provider’s fees etc. saving the business money. I always book early to secure best rates anyway. I had thought the business would make an exception to the formal rules as it saves money. More savings = better pay for everyone. I’ve been told I can only use the firm’s travel provider going forward.

So much wasted money when those savings could be repurposed and used more efficiently.

Daft thing is we have so many other employees who incur costs unnecessarily for the firm by doing what they want to do/not following the rules and yet they get away with it.

I try and save money – treating the business as I would do if I was in charge – and yet I’m the bad one.

TLDR – like my job but hate the bureaucracy.

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