
What are some famous examples of big rich CEO types getting publicly BTFO by “the little guy”? Think of when that Bon Appétit editor in chief got called out by one of his lowly chefs…

I need some juicy stories of civil protest/corporate disobedience to restore my faith in the little guy still having some shred of power over the rich minority of powerful business types. So often lately it feels like the working class has no chance against the powers that be, especially with some of these mega corporations like Amazon who are bigger than the government. Within these companies it’s almost sacrilege to go against the boss, which is why I love it when, for example, one of Twitter’s coders publicly calls out Elon Musk on his BS online, or when the Bon Appétit chefs exposed their old editor-in-chief’s bigoted practices. Anyone else have any good examples of these??

I need some juicy stories of civil protest/corporate disobedience to restore my faith in the little guy still having some shred of power over the rich minority of powerful business types.

So often lately it feels like the working class has no chance against the powers that be, especially with some of these mega corporations like Amazon who are bigger than the government. Within these companies it’s almost sacrilege to go against the boss, which is why I love it when, for example, one of Twitter’s coders publicly calls out Elon Musk on his BS online, or when the Bon Appétit chefs exposed their old editor-in-chief’s bigoted practices.

Anyone else have any good examples of these??

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