
What are some ways to shut down verbally abusive management/managers that enjoy bullying staff?

I was recently fired from my office job, and to be frank I was kind of relieved. It was for excessive tardies. I will admit there were a couple times I was 10-15 minutes late due to traffic or a line at the gas station, but the majority of the tardies were because I honestly hated the job so much that I cried the whole drive and couldn't leave my car in the parking lot. I started that position in March and my boss became more and more rude and condescending with me each day over the course of my employment, like calling me an alcoholic in front of staff because I asked about how many wine bottles to bring for the paint and sip team builder, questioning my intelligence in front of the department multiple times over simple misunderstandings/miscommunications within the team, going into way too much detail about…

I was recently fired from my office job, and to be frank I was kind of relieved. It was for excessive tardies. I will admit there were a couple times I was 10-15 minutes late due to traffic or a line at the gas station, but the majority of the tardies were because I honestly hated the job so much that I cried the whole drive and couldn't leave my car in the parking lot.

I started that position in March and my boss became more and more rude and condescending with me each day over the course of my employment, like calling me an alcoholic in front of staff because I asked about how many wine bottles to bring for the paint and sip team builder, questioning my intelligence in front of the department multiple times over simple misunderstandings/miscommunications within the team, going into way too much detail about simple tasks and asking if I understood over and over again like I was a toddler, and so on.

I stopped being nice and just mimicked her word choice and tone of voice. But once I started acting like her, I got written up for insubordination and bad attitude. So clearly that proves she's rude as fuck right? Wrong I guess. At that point I told her she talks to me like i'm shit on her shoe, and she apologized and said the slate was clean. It was not clean. She still continued the same thing each day. It was so soul sucking that I just didn't even care.

Now that I am starting new work I'm wondering how to deal with management that gaslights you into thinking you are a stupid, worthless POS and speaks to you like you're an empty tuna can in a hot car.

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