
What are we doing? Why?

We work because we’re scared of what happens if we don’t work. Most of us don’t WANT to and honestly, we don’t NEED to. There are a lot of jobs that don’t need to exist if we’re being honest. I believe that we can replace “jobs“ with “roles”. Certain “roles” are needed like, Educators (it’s crazy how they get treated and what they’re paid in this society), Engineers, Doctors… these are “roles” that any growing society NEEDS. Without us playing along, all this shit stops. So why? Why not stop going along with everything and learning how to grow our own food and taking care of one another? Let’s start an open dialog here. Please? Just doing my own study here for something.

We work because we’re scared of what happens if we don’t work. Most of us don’t WANT to and honestly, we don’t NEED to. There are a lot of jobs that don’t need to exist if we’re being honest. I believe that we can replace “jobs“ with “roles”. Certain “roles” are needed like, Educators (it’s crazy how they get treated and what they’re paid in this society), Engineers, Doctors… these are “roles” that any growing society NEEDS. Without us playing along, all this shit stops. So why? Why not stop going along with everything and learning how to grow our own food and taking care of one another? Let’s start an open dialog here. Please? Just doing my own study here for something.

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