
What can she do ?

So my cousin works hourly as a physician (I think ?) for a small medical group (about 20 people) in CA. She had been working 12 hours almost everyday due to volume of patient. Recently I discovered that they never paid her for overtime when she’s past her 8 hour shift. She brought up the topic to the manager, and they told her she’s not approved for any overtime because it’s in the contract clause, when she asked to see it, they said they lost it (?!). A few days later she was pulled into the room during the busiest time to have a talk with all 4 direct managers, and they basically made her sign a document in order for them to give her the compensation for non-paid overtime in the past. She told me the amount didn’t add up to what they own her, and ever since she…

So my cousin works hourly as a physician (I think ?) for a small medical group (about 20 people) in CA. She had been working 12 hours almost everyday due to volume of patient. Recently I discovered that they never paid her for overtime when she’s past her 8 hour shift. She brought up the topic to the manager, and they told her she’s not approved for any overtime because it’s in the contract clause, when she asked to see it, they said they lost it (?!). A few days later she was pulled into the room during the busiest time to have a talk with all 4 direct managers, and they basically made her sign a document in order for them to give her the compensation for non-paid overtime in the past. She told me the amount didn’t add up to what they own her, and ever since she signed the paper, they stopped scheduling her for overtime.

The way I see it, this is a big violation for labor law, but can she still take legal action even if she signed whatever that document is ? She was very anxious since this was her first job after graduation.

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