
What do you think is the smartest decision? Ask for another PIP to have more time to look for another job or accept a severance?

So I was given a PIP a month ago, and I have been looking for other jobs, and what would you know they're also shit. I have a performance review tomorrow and I have made a few errors despite my best effort in the past month that I have no doubt my employer will blow those nitpicks or minor deficiencies out of proportion. If my employer offers me another PIP vs severance pay, which I assume is a common offer in these scenarios, should I?: Ask for maybe 2 weeks more or another month of a PIP so that I can have more time to look for another company while I still have an “employment” status? Accept a severance, fight for unemployment and look for another job after termination.

So I was given a PIP a month ago, and I have been looking for other jobs, and what would you know they're also shit. I have a performance review tomorrow and I have made a few errors despite my best effort in the past month that I have no doubt my employer will blow those nitpicks or minor deficiencies out of proportion.

If my employer offers me another PIP vs severance pay, which I assume is a common offer in these scenarios, should I?:

  1. Ask for maybe 2 weeks more or another month of a PIP so that I can have more time to look for another company while I still have an “employment” status?
  2. Accept a severance, fight for unemployment and look for another job after termination.

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