
What happened to me

I was working at this job for about a year. It was ok and I got to work from home which is nice. My wife has a chance at a promotion at her job but it's half way across the country (US). So I talk to my manager and they are ok with me moving…. but my manager comes back and says that because of where I'm moving to there may be a pay adjustment. He goes on to explain that part of a workers pay is dependent on the area of the country they live in. I've heard of this before, I don't like it but I'm like ok. My manager then says that the area I'm moving to has a lower pay but since I'm at my 1 year review, they would just keep my pay the same and call it my raise and then my pay wont…

I was working at this job for about a year. It was ok and I got to work from home which is nice. My wife has a chance at a promotion at her job but it's half way across the country (US). So I talk to my manager and they are ok with me moving…. but my manager comes back and says that because of where I'm moving to there may be a pay adjustment. He goes on to explain that part of a workers pay is dependent on the area of the country they live in. I've heard of this before, I don't like it but I'm like ok. My manager then says that the area I'm moving to has a lower pay but since I'm at my 1 year review, they would just keep my pay the same and call it my raise and then my pay wont go down. I say ok and all continues as normal and we move. My manager ends up leaving after a couple of months and going to work at another company. After about 6 months, I end up having to move back to the area I was living in. Again I talk to my now new manager and all is ok and approved and I move. After the move I go to my new manager and ask when my pay increase will happen since I'm now back in the area I originally was. He doesn't know what I'm talking about, so I explain it to him about the pay difference and all that. He says ok and will get back to me. He comes back and says the people in HR say I don't get a pay increase. I ask why and he tells me that there is no pay difference between where I lived and where I had moved to. So I'm obviously not happy with the answer and explain to him my interactions with my previous manager. He says he understands but there wasn't anything he could do. I'm pissed at this point and I go to HR myself. Sure enough, they say there was no pay difference between the two areas I lived, but there are for other areas. So I file a complaint. While I'm waiting for the complaint to go through the channels, the company has a round of lay off's. Guess who gets laid off? Thats right, me! I ended up finding a new job in a couple of months with same pay and I enjoy it a lot more but…. there are days when I think about what had happened and I still cant get past the feeling I was wronged and then they just got rid of me.

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