
What if Americans took action and turned Independence Day 2023 into Independence Week?

We can all agree that working conditions are awful (lack of pay, hours, PTO, parental/sick leave, fear of losing our job, being forced to work when buildings are being destroyed by blizzards and tornadoes, etc). We can all agree that capitalism is a problem here. We can all agree that our rights are being stomped on and we need to insight change somehow. Hear me out. What if, this year, we ditch our usual Fourth of July celebrations in honor of change. One day could have an impact, but a week shows more seriousness. This is what I’m thinking because we can also* all agree that a our mental health deserves a single day off work and what’s spending one entire day at home? On July 4th, 2023 we all take off work. This should be the day we stand our ground and it should be easier considering it’s a…

We can all agree that working conditions are awful (lack of pay, hours, PTO, parental/sick leave, fear of losing our job, being forced to work when buildings are being destroyed by blizzards and tornadoes, etc). We can all agree that capitalism is a problem here. We can all agree that our rights are being stomped on and we need to insight change somehow.

Hear me out.

What if, this year, we ditch our usual Fourth of July celebrations in honor of change. One day could have an impact, but a week shows more seriousness.

This is what I’m thinking because we can also* all agree that a our mental health deserves a single day off work and what’s spending one entire day at home?

On July 4th, 2023 we all take off work.
This should be the day we stand our ground and it should be easier considering it’s a national holiday in honor of us gaining our independence from our “overlords”. Even people who do not want to participate but have off that day anyway can contribute to “the movement”. Call in sick, just don’t show up, turn off your phone and dedicate 7/4/23 to you, your peace of mind, your garden, the grill, your family, or whatever else you want!

Problem is, capitalism and how it runs our country. How do we make a stand, have an impact and show that we mean business? Well, effecting their bottom line and profit margins could. Everybody on the whole block knows that Big Man Business loves their green, and loses it when they see red. Plus, you not being there* to make them money… will also effect their numbers.

For the week leading up to July 4th, 2023 we should refrain from spending and consuming. This means yes, they will see an uptick in profits in preparation of Independence Week, but starting a new month off with lower than average numbers might cause some type of stir, and that could be just what we need to get it all started, to gain confidence that it is actually possible. Think of it like “don’t buy gasoline on Wednesday”.

Some of you might even have your own ideas on how to make this hurt just a little more (and feel free to share them!). But looting and rioting imo isn’t necessary at this point, not to mention we have all seen how peaceful protests can go… Telling everyone and everyone, getting as many people as we can to take a stand, or ya know, just sit and chill at home on the Fourth of July 🇺🇸, well that will absolutely help.

We could even extend our non-consumerism another week and show them we mean business. We’ve all paid bills late unintentionally and survived, let’s make it intentional for once.

And if you have vacation time/PTO you want to use for this, awesome. Make your slavers pay you for taking a stand.

What do you guys think? Is this a possibility? Have you had similar thoughts? Do you think this could actually do something?

Edited some stuff because “sorry for mobile”.

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