
What if there was a bank that paid you for your work every day instead of every 2 weeks by your employer?

I’m just curious if anyone feels like that would make a difference at all in their lives. I’m reading about credit cards and late fees and payday loans so that made me wonder about getting paid each day. The bank would verify the hours worked each day and pay out what they would get maybe the next day, and then once the real paycheck comes the bank just gets that money and cross checks it with the payouts. The idea is that instead of getting late fees or needing a payday loan when your finances are on the edge, you already have the money in the bank that you earned that day and have lower/no fee expenses at the end of the month. Also that means the company doesn’t get a free 2 week loan off you. Idk maybe it wouldn’t work since getting a big chunk can be nice…

I’m just curious if anyone feels like that would make a difference at all in their lives. I’m reading about credit cards and late fees and payday loans so that made me wonder about getting paid each day. The bank would verify the hours worked each day and pay out what they would get maybe the next day, and then once the real paycheck comes the bank just gets that money and cross checks it with the payouts.

The idea is that instead of getting late fees or needing a payday loan when your finances are on the edge, you already have the money in the bank that you earned that day and have lower/no fee expenses at the end of the month. Also that means the company doesn’t get a free 2 week loan off you. Idk maybe it wouldn’t work since getting a big chunk can be nice but maybe it would help some people.

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