
What is it with bosses “I’m always right, lowly worker. Remember that!” attitude?

My boss is a narcissistic ass who is always right even when he's wrong and barely listens to anyone except my other boss and even he gets ignored sometimes. For example, my boss bought three machines a few years ago. Ignoring everything my boss and I, as one of the machine operators, said. The minute I saw what was to be my replacement machine I hated it. It looked like a copycat of my previous one with supposedly “improvements” and could do everything my old one could. Five minutes of running it I absolutely knew with 100% certainty it was a piece of shit and have repeatedly told both my bosses as such but all that's happened from big boss is threatening to take me off of it and putting someone else on it. So I grudgingly shut my trap and figured out ways to get the stupid thing to…

My boss is a narcissistic ass who is always right even when he's wrong and barely listens to anyone except my other boss and even he gets ignored sometimes.

For example, my boss bought three machines a few years ago. Ignoring everything my boss and I, as one of the machine operators, said.

The minute I saw what was to be my replacement machine I hated it. It looked like a copycat of my previous one with supposedly “improvements” and could do everything my old one could. Five minutes of running it I absolutely knew with 100% certainty it was a piece of shit and have repeatedly told both my bosses as such but all that's happened from big boss is threatening to take me off of it and putting someone else on it.

So I grudgingly shut my trap and figured out ways to get the stupid thing to work.

600 hours of operation later its fucking worthless. My previous machine didn't have nearly as many issues until 6 or 7 years and nearly 4,000 hours of operation. It currently feels like something is about to break on its pivot point and I told him but he ran it for five minutes, gave me the all clear, and I ran it all the while feeling it progressively get worse and worse until I started expecting it to snap in half at any moment.

But noooooo. It was an absolute steal so we just had to have it.

And the other two we've barely had a year and have dumped over $5,000 into repairs of the damn things. Meanwhile the machines they replaced were less complicated, over 20 years old, and have required less repairs in the past few years than these two pieces of trash.

What's even better is we need to get a ton of shit done but he's always crying about overtime. He also wants the machines to look sparkly clean but no overtime. By the time I get back so does everyone else so there's a line for the single hose (not power washer) and by the time it's my turn “NO OVERTIME!”

I'm now waiting for them to talk to me about mud and shit being on it but if I come back earlier I get shafted out of time because I'm done early. There's no fucking winning with this man because oh ho ho, he's the boss so he knows best about everything.

Really just want to scream at him to run my fucking piece of shit machine one say and see how well that works out. Especially since today I was once again threatened to be taken off the machine when I voiced my concerns about it breaking. As if my concerns are nothing and he'll just throw someone else on it and that'll solve all the problems instead of just make someone else have to deal with the new issues instead of me, the main operator of it.

Fucking stupid ass.

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