
What is the process for corporations subtly desensitizing you into become a drone?

I feel like it starts in high school where society takes away your weekends because you have to work a part time job/do home work–>once you get into college, now they take away your sleep to because you have to work more and the amount of school work significantly increases–>When this way of life becomes the new norm, corporations further turn you into a drone with forced socializing events and more overworking; thus, you have almost no time for yourself and your existence is working as a drone to pay off debt or just to barely scrape by. I thought of this and have been pondering it for a couple of days. What do y'all think?

I feel like it starts in high school where society takes away your weekends because you have to work a part time job/do home work–>once you get into college, now they take away your sleep to because you have to work more and the amount of school work significantly increases–>When this way of life becomes the new norm, corporations further turn you into a drone with forced socializing events and more overworking; thus, you have almost no time for yourself and your existence is working as a drone to pay off debt or just to barely scrape by.

I thought of this and have been pondering it for a couple of days.

What do y'all think?

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