
What is with people shitting on others for job hopping for growth opportunity?

So I asked a friend a question and literally got shit on for this….so as somebody that has student loans most people start off only making $20k-30k a year. And for those that have student loans sometimes the loan payments are so high they eat up your whole paycheck. So I suggested what is the issue with job hopping every 2 to 4 years to get your salary up and gain more employable skills and responsibilities because yearly salary adjustments are only 1% to 3% a year which is not enough with inflations. So I asked this and got shit on for it basically getting told you will be unhirable if you do this. That does not make sense to me because ain't moving up and taking better responsibilities a good thing? It shows growth you would assume. Oh hell no..I guess it shows that you are disloyal as I…

So I asked a friend a question and literally got shit on for this….so as somebody that has student loans most people start off only making $20k-30k a year. And for those that have student loans sometimes the loan payments are so high they eat up your whole paycheck.

So I suggested what is the issue with job hopping every 2 to 4 years to get your salary up and gain more employable skills and responsibilities because yearly salary adjustments are only 1% to 3% a year which is not enough with inflations.

So I asked this and got shit on for it basically getting told you will be unhirable if you do this.

That does not make sense to me because ain't moving up and taking better responsibilities a good thing? It shows growth you would assume.

Oh hell no..I guess it shows that you are disloyal as I was told and also unstable in their career.

Again this is somebody I know that does hiring that I asked this to.

What is all your thoughts on this response?

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