
What is with people thinking it’s cool to go to work sick?

If I’m sick and feel like trash I usually stay home for a couple days which is the right thing to do. Every time I do though, my mom always tells me “I don’t understand why you always call off when you’re sick. I go into work sick all the time” like what? Going into work sick, putting unnecessary stress on your body when you’re supposed to be resting and also spreading your germs to all of your co workers is a flex? This isn’t just my mom that says this either. I’ve heard many older people say this and I just don’t understand. It’s common courtesy not only to yourself but to the people you work with to stay the fuck at home when you’re sick. Yours and your coworkers health is more important than still going into work just because you don’t wanna call off for whatever reason.…

If I’m sick and feel like trash I usually stay home for a couple days which is the right thing to do. Every time I do though, my mom always tells me “I don’t understand why you always call off when you’re sick. I go into work sick all the time” like what? Going into work sick, putting unnecessary stress on your body when you’re supposed to be resting and also spreading your germs to all of your co workers is a flex? This isn’t just my mom that says this either. I’ve heard many older people say this and I just don’t understand. It’s common courtesy not only to yourself but to the people you work with to stay the fuck at home when you’re sick. Yours and your coworkers health is more important than still going into work just because you don’t wanna call off for whatever reason. The older generation is weird in so many ways

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