
What steps i need to take

Im male 25 years old and i dont feel like working at all. I dont know if its caused by mental illness (not like im crazy, i have bpd, ocd and depression) or something else, but its not just about being lazy. Its like there is no place for work in my life. Like its something outside of my coordinates. I had summer side jobs when i was a minor where i worked month – 2 months and it wasnt a problem. Since then i had only one job which i got in summer 22 after finishing university and i quit this job a year ago so i worked there like 6 months. So yeah im unemployed for a year already. And when i had a job, i was late to the job everyday, i even skipped some days (but i worked them off later on). Generally speaking i cant…

Im male 25 years old and i dont feel like working at all. I dont know if its caused by mental illness (not like im crazy, i have bpd, ocd and depression) or something else, but its not just about being lazy. Its like there is no place for work in my life. Like its something outside of my coordinates. I had summer side jobs when i was a minor where i worked month – 2 months and it wasnt a problem. Since then i had only one job which i got in summer 22 after finishing university and i quit this job a year ago so i worked there like 6 months. So yeah im unemployed for a year already. And when i had a job, i was late to the job everyday, i even skipped some days (but i worked them off later on). Generally speaking i cant imagine myself valuing work high.

The obvious problem is – i do eat food my mom provides me, she pays my internet, my bills (water/electricity). And even tho i live very low life kind of life (i dont spend any extra money and pretty much never ask for anything) she still do spend money on me. Not that much, but its still money. And she obviously say – go pay for yourself, even tho is not much, go earn that low amount of cash i spend on you and pay for yourself. I also have a girlfriend which is very good to me, she has a job and as most of the girls she want some material attention from me.

I lived my whole life with mom and grandmother in a 2 room appartament and i was sharing same room with my mom and i recently moved to my other grandmother's appartament cuz there is at least whole free room for me. And yet mom gave me money to buy some needed basic things i need here, payed for my internet. And other granny i live here with now cooks for us both.

So to summarize i dont want to have a job. And its not like im just lazy, its like there is a huge resistance i cant get over for whatever reason. Im thinking of trying to find something i can do from home cuz i cant imagine myself waking up early going to some place then coming home in the evening be it 2 work days 2 off days type of job or 5-9 type of job. But im just thinking of it and not doing anything, and even if i find something like that, i honestly will not apply to that, cuz as i said – i dont want to have a job.

I would like to get help on how can i overcome my unwillingness to work or how can i continue living non-working lifestyle without being pain in the ass for everyone around. Thanks for any help suggestions and advices in advance.

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