
What to say when an employer says “I’m not making/forcing you to work all day”

I hope this is the right spot to ask this. Thought about the r/jobs one but wasn't sure. Some back ground info first. Forgive my grammer mistakes. We had a manager get fired for really not doing his job and ordering things in a timely fashion. It was a shame because he was a good dude, very hands off, let the leads lead and the guys/gals to their thing. He was replaced with a super company man whos a micro manager type. We're on mandatory 5 days a week 12 hr shifts “until further notice” Normal shifts are 12 hour days, 3 days on one week, 4 days on the following week, rinse repeat. Him and I had somewhat of a “come to jesus” meeting with him a few weeks back because I'm very upfront, blunt, and an asshole at times. I'm that way from my Army days because I…

I hope this is the right spot to ask this. Thought about the r/jobs one but wasn't sure. Some back ground info first. Forgive my grammer mistakes.

We had a manager get fired for really not doing his job and ordering things in a timely fashion. It was a shame because he was a good dude, very hands off, let the leads lead and the guys/gals to their thing. He was replaced with a super company man whos a micro manager type. We're on mandatory 5 days a week 12 hr shifts “until further notice” Normal shifts are 12 hour days, 3 days on one week, 4 days on the following week, rinse repeat.

Him and I had somewhat of a “come to jesus” meeting with him a few weeks back because I'm very upfront, blunt, and an asshole at times. I'm that way from my Army days because I believe in moral being good and treating your subordinates or fellow coworkers well. I get corporate/manufacturing America doesn't give two sh*to about how you feel but during our chat, I said something along the lines of you're forcing us to work 5 days a week for 12 hour days and he comes back saying; “well no one is forcing you to be here all day everyday”.

Me: I stared at him blinking and said; Are you f*cking serious right now? YOU are the one who's making us work these hours, you said this is mandatory. How are you not forcing us?!
Manger: Well, you have a choice of not to work.
Me: Ya if I don't want a job or to get fired! Are you serious right now?!
Manger: We always give you the choice, so no one is forcing you to do anything.

I just stared at him fuming. I told him everyone would be willing to do 8s for mandatory days and the moral would be better but he wasnt having it. We finished the rest of the conversation with me saying this is completely unacceptable and people are going to get hurt because of your actions. We've had a few accidents already, one had a few days off because he fell out of the work area when he lost balance on the step ladder. Everyone is wore down and tired. I moved across the country for this job specifically so I didn't have to work these type of hours.

Thoughts? Please non of those “I remember my first part time job” jokes. I don't mind OT, but I'm fortunate enough to not need it unless I want it.

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