
What Will Rebellion mean?

​ It's becoming ever more evident that a reform future is not possible. Workers rights will not be respected, loan sharks will reign, and life under capitalism will get worse. No improvements are being made, and even the baby steps that had been made are being or have been worked back several fold. The enemy holds all the keys to all the doors. they control all of the media, control the internet, control the language we speak; and their grip gets ever tighter. We are hemmed in on every side by wealthy plutocrats and their willing lapdogs jockeying for position in the new order. Life is hell… So what is there to lose? Rebellion doesn't need guns. You won't win that fight anyways. But if Apple is a Tyrant, do you need an Iphone? … if the competitors are as bad, do you need a phone at all? Life was…

It's becoming ever more evident that a reform future is not possible. Workers rights will not be respected, loan sharks will reign, and life under capitalism will get worse. No improvements are being made, and even the baby steps that had been made are being or have been worked back several fold. The enemy holds all the keys to all the doors. they control all of the media, control the internet, control the language we speak; and their grip gets ever tighter. We are hemmed in on every side by wealthy plutocrats and their willing lapdogs jockeying for position in the new order. Life is hell… So what is there to lose?

Rebellion doesn't need guns. You won't win that fight anyways. But if Apple is a Tyrant, do you need an Iphone? … if the competitors are as bad, do you need a phone at all? Life was fine before Smart phones. It's not such a stretch to imagine a life without them. Rebellion comes by just.. Not doing. Any of it. GO play cards or a board game instead of the endless stream of crap shoved down our throats by an every shrinking cabal of studios. Send someone a note, a letter… OPT OUT! and do it frequently.. and if you do, if WE do it, together, with each others support. We can start to make a dent.

If you must shop, shop local, no matter how hard it is. Form better communities with your neighbors and loved ones. I won't advocate you steal from corporates, but you know. BYOM , Be Your Own Master.

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