
What will take to motivate Americans to actually fight for better working conditions and pay?

The topic of European working conditions (v. American ones) is brought up often enough on this sub. Very effectively, when laws in some European countries are enacted that are very hostile towards workers, seemingly the whole country goes on strike. Work stops being done, people partake in massive (+10k people) protests, etc. etc. And after 1-2 weeks of pressure, the governments there cave. My question is, why aren't Americans doing the same? Imagine for a moment if you will, if all employees of all coffee shops, fast food chains, grocery stores, supermarkets, malls, etc. in all 50 states, just stopped showing up to work unless their working conditions and pay were dramatically increased. Imagine the impact that would have. In France, the motto is 'liberty, equality and fraternity' with the last part serving to unite people against, among others, government laws that hurt them. What will take to motivate Americans…

The topic of European working conditions (v. American ones) is brought up often enough on this sub. Very effectively, when laws in some European countries are enacted that are very hostile towards workers, seemingly the whole country goes on strike. Work stops being done, people partake in massive (+10k people) protests, etc. etc. And after 1-2 weeks of pressure, the governments there cave.

My question is, why aren't Americans doing the same? Imagine for a moment if you will, if all employees of all coffee shops, fast food chains, grocery stores, supermarkets, malls, etc. in all 50 states, just stopped showing up to work unless their working conditions and pay were dramatically increased. Imagine the impact that would have.

In France, the motto is 'liberty, equality and fraternity' with the last part serving to unite people against, among others, government laws that hurt them. What will take to motivate Americans to actually stand up for themselves and demand better working conditions and pay?

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