So I'm getting laid off, I got a notice (the one upside)… but yea I'm broken. I'm not going to be able to do it any more.
Worse part? I have a family to take care of… a lucky person with an actual house… but I don't think I'll have them for very long.
I'm trying to find remote work right now, but I don't think it's out there any more… at least enough that pays me what it's going to take to care for my family.
I'm kind of at the end point though, I can't work to exist anymore and I don't want to exist in soul crushing poverty… fuck if I lose the house I'm taking my self out. I can't live in another apartment building tiny and the rent would be the cost of my fucking mortgage anyways.
I just don't know what to do, I don't have much left and what ever I got left, I wanna give to a future that's worth it. Because today's world, with all it's wonderous tech and shit… isn't it. The soul crushing nature of work and living in this world is simply too much and there is simply no resolution or hope on that horizon.
The sheer selfishness of the Mental Health industry of working so hard to keep so many of us 'hanging in there' should be remember for the shame it is. Yea I'm going to therapy… and really all they're trying to do/can do is help me 'cope' with a shitty life, they aren't offering a singular solution to fix it.
I want my life, I want to do things that fucking matter to the people around me. I don't want to wear slacks or a fucking polo shirt, and work for share holder value. I hope we win one day, I hope we win so thoroughly we crush the grave stones of the capital owning class who enslaved us for generations.