
What would you tell your bosses?

So I have been in residential maintenance for a bit over a year now and I have ran into 2 separate issues where I felt safety was a concern. Last year there was a unit that needed to be “turned”, upgrade appliances and make sure it's livable. This unit had mice and their droppings all over it. I'm talking in the fridge in the walls and just everywhere. This most recent unit has substantial mold growth. We are now in the unit tearing out the drywall, vinyl and carpet. It seems like they just want us to use moldx and call it good… I'm really speechless on the lack of professionalism from just these 2 units… So yeah what is your opinion?

So I have been in residential maintenance for a bit over a year now and I have ran into 2 separate issues where I felt safety was a concern. Last year there was a unit that needed to be “turned”, upgrade appliances and make sure it's livable. This unit had mice and their droppings all over it. I'm talking in the fridge in the walls and just everywhere.
This most recent unit has substantial mold growth. We are now in the unit tearing out the drywall, vinyl and carpet. It seems like they just want us to use moldx and call it good… I'm really speechless on the lack of professionalism from just these 2 units… So yeah what is your opinion?

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