
What’s the cringiest gift/reward you’ve gotten from your workplace?

A few years ago my office was at our annual meeting with about ten bigwigs from corporate. We were very close to meeting an unrealistic goal that had been set for Q4. It was pretty obvious we were going to achieve said goal. Corporate was ecstatic and said they had a reward for all our hard work and (ridiculous) overtime. Many people had been working weekends that year. The head honcho spoke warily about how he hadn’t been entirely sure if they should reward us yet as there was still a chance we might miss the goal. But they decided to go ahead and do it. They were speaking seriously here, mind you, not in a jokey manner. All of us figured by the way he spoke that it was maybe going to be an extra PTO day or even a monetary bonus. Nothing big, but an extra $300ish would…

A few years ago my office was at our annual meeting with about ten bigwigs from corporate. We were very close to meeting an unrealistic goal that had been set for Q4. It was pretty obvious we were going to achieve said goal. Corporate was ecstatic and said they had a reward for all our hard work and (ridiculous) overtime. Many people had been working weekends that year. The head honcho spoke warily about how he hadn’t been entirely sure if they should reward us yet as there was still a chance we might miss the goal. But they decided to go ahead and do it. They were speaking seriously here, mind you, not in a jokey manner.

All of us figured by the way he spoke that it was maybe going to be an extra PTO day or even a monetary bonus. Nothing big, but an extra $300ish would have been warmly appreciated. We were told to collect our reward as we walked out the door after the meeting ended. Hmm…

Y’all, it was full-sized Hershey candy bars.

Mother trucking candy bars.

Most people didn’t take one. I hope they felt dumb as hell hauling 80% of them back to the corporate office.

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