
What’s the shortest you’ve ever held a “career” position?

So I've been unemployed for like 6 months. And I've been applying and interviewing like crazy. I got rejected from what was basically my dream job today in a big city with a decent salary and good benefits. I'm honestly crushed, it was between me and one other person. It was a highly competitive process, too. Luckily (kind of) I have a fallback job offer that I've already “accepted” with a state agency (I work in the environmental field). Honestly the job is fine and I'm grateful to have it to fall back on but, I'm disappointed not only because it's not the job I wanted, but it's in a very suburban area. This wouldn't be an issue for me if I weren't a queer person, I say this because I tend to have a stronger sense of community in large cities. Yes, there are queer people everywhere, but it's…

So I've been unemployed for like 6 months. And I've been applying and interviewing like crazy.

I got rejected from what was basically my dream job today in a big city with a decent salary and good benefits. I'm honestly crushed, it was between me and one other person. It was a highly competitive process, too.

Luckily (kind of) I have a fallback job offer that I've already “accepted” with a state agency (I work in the environmental field). Honestly the job is fine and I'm grateful to have it to fall back on but, I'm disappointed not only because it's not the job I wanted, but it's in a very suburban area.

This wouldn't be an issue for me if I weren't a queer person, I say this because I tend to have a stronger sense of community in large cities. Yes, there are queer people everywhere, but it's just not the same.

All that being said… it looks like I have no choice but to take this job. But if I'm being honest… I'm in my late 20's and I've been in the suburbs for too damn long tbh. I kinda wanna keep my options open and fuck off if something better in a large city comes by.

How many of you have held a job for a matter of months before just moving on to something else? How did it go?

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