
Whats up people?! Fun story for you since I know you’ll like this.

I used to work for a non-profit. On paper these guys are saints. Real beautiful mission. The reality however is that they misuse funds for personal benefit, engage in nepotism, really take advantage of young employees, have horrible living and working conditions, the list goes on and on. Recently I tried to change all that but was met with such opposition from the dinosaurs on the board of directors I ended up quitting abruptly. We agreed to a 30 day transition for my replacement. All in writing. All very clear. fter we completed the 30 days and everything was wrapped up they decided not to pay me. Long story short I needed to threaten legal action in order to get my missing wages and two days ago they agreed but when I reviewed my bank statement for the deposit they shorted me a week. Here is where it gets interesting.…

I used to work for a non-profit. On paper these guys are saints. Real beautiful mission. The reality however is that they misuse funds for personal benefit, engage in nepotism, really take advantage of young employees, have horrible living and working conditions, the list goes on and on.

Recently I tried to change all that but was met with such opposition from the dinosaurs on the board of directors I ended up quitting abruptly.

We agreed to a 30 day transition for my replacement. All in writing. All very clear. fter we completed the 30 days and everything was wrapped up they decided not to pay me. Long story short I needed to threaten legal action in order to get my missing wages and two days ago they agreed but when I reviewed my bank statement for the deposit they shorted me a week.

Here is where it gets interesting. I tried to get them to make the deposit for the final week but no one answered phone calls or texts. Finally the treasurer called me and basically told me I should cut my losses and go get another job.

A quick call to my local labor law attorney and it turns out they owe me all my PTO and by not paying our agreement in full on the date specified we can go after them for 3x the amount of money for violation of “deceptive business practices” laws here in MA.

$893 just blew up to $8000+!

We are preparing letter of demand and with all the documentation I have compiled they won’t have a leg to stand on in court. So it’s pay the amount or pay this amount plus legal fees…

Think twice before you donate. There are some real shady characters running non-profits in your area. Make sure they are transparent with their financials and they run a tight ship otherwise you better believe they are taking advantage of the system.

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