
When are we all going to say enough is enough?

I work for blank Credit Union in Colorado Springs. We’re the red logo credit union. Just look at all credit unions in Colorado and look for it. Our company is about to cross the $10 Billion dollar mark. Meaning they’re cutting costs. They cut out benefits and they cost more now. They reprimand us for overtime yet they told us they would fire us if deny new bank accounts close to closing, meaning we are being forced to stay past our closing times, meaning we incur overtime. They cut Christmas bonuses. They are forcing us to sell credit cards that’s are inherently misleading to the buyer, yet I’d we don’t produce, they will fire us. They’re firing people for minor mistakes, and leaving those branches understaffed, almost as if it’s to cut labor costs. They’re not even hiring for promotions anymore. They force us to do jobs we don’t have…

I work for blank Credit Union in Colorado Springs. We’re the red logo credit union. Just look at all credit unions in Colorado and look for it.

Our company is about to cross the $10 Billion dollar mark. Meaning they’re cutting costs.

They cut out benefits and they cost more now.
They reprimand us for overtime yet they told us they would fire us if deny new bank accounts close to closing, meaning we are being forced to stay past our closing times, meaning we incur overtime.

They cut Christmas bonuses.
They are forcing us to sell credit cards that’s are inherently misleading to the buyer, yet I’d we don’t produce, they will fire us.

They’re firing people for minor mistakes, and leaving those branches understaffed, almost as if it’s to cut labor costs. They’re not even hiring for promotions anymore.

They force us to do jobs we don’t have the titles/pay for. They do not even pay enough for one person to live by themselves, I would be homeless without my partner, and I live in Colorado Springs, which is cheaper than most places in Colorado.

Why are we putting up with such injustice as workers? Why are we okay with these long nights, early mornings, and empty bank accounts? They poison our food and make us bankrupt when we need treatment. The gouge prices during recessions. They blame Inflation and they report record profits.

I’m tired. I know nothing will change it I don’t wanna live anymore knowing that’s the reality, I’m

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