
When Karma Came for The Creeps

I’m an English teacher in Japan. My previous job I worked for an “international” (in quotations because it was only international in name) preschool. In April 2022 We had two new staff members. Creep 1 (C1) is a 40s male who would co-teach with me. Creep 2 (C2) is a 50s male who was to be our new head teacher. I immediately knew within a day of meeting them that they’d be an issue. C1 turned out to be a pathological liar to the point of making up easily checkable lies about all of us. None of us understood why as he didn’t gain anything, nor did he make himself look good. He also had a habit of contacting the parents using their personal contact info (a big no no). And to make matters worse he Sexually harassed and assaulted one of the female teachers. C2 had a habit of…

I’m an English teacher in Japan. My previous job I worked for an “international” (in quotations because it was only international in name) preschool. In April 2022 We had two new staff members. Creep 1 (C1) is a 40s male who would co-teach with me. Creep 2 (C2) is a 50s male who was to be our new head teacher. I immediately knew within a day of meeting them that they’d be an issue.

C1 turned out to be a pathological liar to the point of making up easily checkable lies about all of us. None of us understood why as he didn’t gain anything, nor did he make himself look good. He also had a habit of contacting the parents using their personal contact info (a big no no). And to make matters worse he Sexually harassed and assaulted one of the female teachers.

C2 had a habit of talking too much. As in he would share others personal information. He’d tell us lies about others also to see if we would talk or to try to divide and conquer. No one is sure but he failed either way. He would sexually harass all of the female staff and was incredibly sexist and racist. He also just generally didn’t do his job, so a useless annoying human. I remember talking to one of my coworkers who mentioned he was like a white knight. I don’t know if that is the correct term, but she explained it in the way that C2 would create issues then “fix” them to make himself look good/useful. But all the teachers could see through his BS.

Here is where the karma comes in.

Everything came to a head just before Christmas break. In Japan there is a tradition of bonenkai where the company takes their employees out for drinks and food at the end of the year. We went. C1 was the only one to show up in a suit (we all had just gone after work so no time to change) in an effort to look good but failed. He proceeded to talk a lot of shit and get drunk which resulted in him sexually assaulting a female teacher and verbally assaulting a few other staff members. The next day he showed up to work unwashed, drunk, and still drinking and tried to blame his drinking on others. And did no work.

After the holidays we all came back and after the rest of us were talking we collectively decided to put forward a case of sorts to the higher ups about C1 and C2. We had group meeting and individual meetings about the two creeps without them being there. The higher ups were flabbergasted especially with the amount of physical proof (pictures, video, screenshots of texts) and witness statements we had to back our claims up. They were stunned and angry for what these two had done to all of us. In the end the creeps were fired but still had to work to the end of their contracts. So, we had to deal with a month and half more of them.

C1 could not handle the general hate towards him and left two weeks early.

C2 had a day where he showed up to our school feeling but hurt because someone went on Glassdoor and wrote a review blasting him (no one mentioned his name just his position). I was absent that day but from what I was told he tried to be intimidating and failed. I kind of wish I had been there so I could laugh in his face. I got to see the review before it was taken down and it honestly was the truth. But he had to leave a week before because he fucked up his leg. Then tried to order certain staff to cover for him. Everyone said no and the supervisor publicly tore him a new one.

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