
When the “PeOpLe DoN’t WaNt To WoRk AnYmOrE” crowd is your mother

My mother can be very detached from reality sometimes…a lot of the time thought the solution to being short staffed at my job was to hire Temps. My job starts Temps at $12/hour. I told my mother that wasn't good, that nobody should work for such a small amount. She rationalized it and declared “well there's got to be someone who will take that” I reiterated what I previously said and added that $12 an hour and good feelings don't pay the bills. Would you do your job for $12 an hour? She paused but went right back to her “there's gotta be someone who'll work for $12” spiel. I give up. Know your worth, fight for every dollar so they don't nickel and dime you to death!

My mother can be very detached from reality sometimes…a lot of the time thought the solution to being short staffed at my job was to hire Temps. My job starts Temps at $12/hour. I told my mother that wasn't good, that nobody should work for such a small amount.

She rationalized it and declared “well there's got to be someone who will take that” I reiterated what I previously said and added that $12 an hour and good feelings don't pay the bills. Would you do your job for $12 an hour?

She paused but went right back to her “there's gotta be someone who'll work for $12” spiel. I give up.

Know your worth, fight for every dollar so they don't nickel and dime you to death!

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