
When you first start your career & you expect leaders to be awesome…

I was naïve. I thought my company leadership knew how to be leaders (and knew how to successfully run a business). I thought they had gotten into their positions of leadership because they were deserving of the leadership role. I was wrong. I spent 14+ years working full-time in the corporate world and here's what I learned: ️ (1) titles don't mean knowledge; ️ (2) leadership roles don't mean they wanted that position, deserved that position, or were trained in that position; ️ (3) don't expect to be taken seriously as a younger looking female, especially in a male-dominated industry (finance); ️(4) having a growth mindset in a fixed mindset organization is frustrating and claustrophobic; ️ (5) narcissistic leaders are not worth your time and energy; ️ (6) other viewpoints are sometimes not only NOT welcomed, but constructively providing them can get you terminated; ️ (7) expecting that leaders know…

I was naïve. I thought my company leadership knew how to be leaders (and knew how to successfully run a business). I thought they had gotten into their positions of leadership because they were deserving of the leadership role. I was wrong. I spent 14+ years working full-time in the corporate world and here's what I learned:

️ (1) titles don't mean knowledge;

️ (2) leadership roles don't mean they wanted that position, deserved that position, or were trained in that position;

️ (3) don't expect to be taken seriously as a younger looking female, especially in a male-dominated industry (finance);

️(4) having a growth mindset in a fixed mindset organization is frustrating and claustrophobic;

️ (5) narcissistic leaders are not worth your time and energy;

️ (6) other viewpoints are sometimes not only NOT welcomed, but constructively providing them can get you terminated;

️ (7) expecting that leaders know everything will set you up for massive frustration;

️ (8) C-Level leaders can and will make decisions that hurt the business but fuel their ego;

️ (9) prioritizing profits over people is a very real thing;

️ (10) we have a LOT of work to do to develop high-performing leaders and move people from feeling frustrated at work to feeling highly satisfied.

I became an Executive Coach because I'm committed to the effort of developing leaders and employees. It's time for change!

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