Hey guys, I want to see if I can get some advice on this. Sorry it turned into a little bit of a rant.
I was fired last April (due to management enforcing new policies without communicating them and while repeatedly changing them) and took a couple weeks off before looking for a new job. The job hunt lasted longer than I planned, even though I was only applying for food service/ retail jobs (as much as don't want to.)
I finally started at a well known pizza place on Wednesday, and already I hate it. My first day instead of being properly trained, I was immediately thrown onto the make line during the dinner rush, under a lot of pressure. It was a little better over the next two days, but more or less the same. I did get a small tour of the place, but other than that I was still just making food and already expected to know some things. I already dread every day I work, and have already had bad dreams about it.
I realize this might be dramatic considering I've only worked three four-hour shifts, but I just feel so uncomfortable. The people are very nice though, even the manager I've been working with is so patient. And I'm sure part of my misery is my own personal complexes, like not wanting to be embarrassed and the fact that I was hired as a shift lead, and I don't want to be a disappointment on that front.
Now I'm thinking I'd really like to go back to another old job of mine at a gas station. I felt pretty comfortable there, and honestly it was pretty easy. the problem though is that at this pizza place I'm making $13/hr, while at the gas station I was making $10. Obviously either way it's shit pay, but it would be nice to make that extra $3, sad as that is. I'm also not sure how many hours I would get there, but I believe I'll be full time at the current job. If I get full time at the gas station, I could still pay my bills, but idk how comfortable I would be financially; when I worked there before, it was a part time job in addition to the job I was just fired from. I'd also feel bad leaving right away, like I wasted everyone's time. I know I shouldn't care but I really do.
I think I know what I should do, but I want to see what other people say first. I want to make sure I wouldn't be doing something stupid or irresponsible. And sorry if this is worded weird or anything, I'm very tired. I have to work again tonight and I'm wondering if I should just call off. I just have a lot of expectation for myself of being dependable and reliable.