
Why are managers opposed to WFH/hybrid?

I work in a hospital doing administrative work. Our role does NOT require us to work in person all the time. I've only been with this hospital for one year and hate the fact that my manager and senior coworker are SO opposed to me working from home. They wouldn't even allow me to work hybrid. If I have to take care of something urgent in the morning, I can't even go to work at 10am and leave later than 6pm(the time I normally leave). My previous manager, who I left due to family relocating, was managing one of the best hospital systems. Yet, she was so flexible. She allowed us to work hybrid and attend our in person meetings if needed. We could go to work for 3 hours, go pick pur kids, then go home and continue to work. She was flexible and trusted everyone. My whole team…

I work in a hospital doing administrative work. Our role does NOT require us to work in person all the time. I've only been with this hospital for one year and hate the fact that my manager and senior coworker are SO opposed to me working from home. They wouldn't even allow me to work hybrid. If I have to take care of something urgent in the morning, I can't even go to work at 10am and leave later than 6pm(the time I normally leave).

My previous manager, who I left due to family relocating, was managing one of the best hospital systems. Yet, she was so flexible. She allowed us to work hybrid and attend our in person meetings if needed. We could go to work for 3 hours, go pick pur kids, then go home and continue to work. She was flexible and trusted everyone. My whole team loved her, and everyone was there for at least 5 years or longer.

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