
Why are so many people here delusional about work?

People here express outrage at poor management, bad wages, bad working conditions, meaningless jobs, lack of fulfilment, insufficient breaks or holidays, etc. They seem to be under the delusion this is not how things should be or that jobs like this indicate something is wrong. That's so delusional. It's like that everywhere. Good bosses are rare. Decent pay rarely exists except for a small minority. Most jobs are meaningless. Work is rarely fulfilling, unless you are very lucky or very dumb. Lack of decent holidays is universal at all levels in the USA, but at least not in Europe. The things people complain about are actually just the way it is. It's like being outraged by the fact it's raining. It's pointless to rage against the machine. You just have to learn to cope. And look for fulfilment in your personal life, not some corporate BS which wants your soul…

People here express outrage at poor management, bad wages, bad working conditions, meaningless jobs, lack of fulfilment, insufficient breaks or holidays, etc. They seem to be under the delusion this is not how things should be or that jobs like this indicate something is wrong. That's so delusional. It's like that everywhere. Good bosses are rare. Decent pay rarely exists except for a small minority. Most jobs are meaningless. Work is rarely fulfilling, unless you are very lucky or very dumb. Lack of decent holidays is universal at all levels in the USA, but at least not in Europe.

The things people complain about are actually just the way it is. It's like being outraged by the fact it's raining. It's pointless to rage against the machine. You just have to learn to cope. And look for fulfilment in your personal life, not some corporate BS which wants your soul so it can crush it and make you into a compliant consumer drone.

I grew up in New Zealand. Over there the attitude is “do as little work as possible for as much money as possible so you have as much time as possible for important things.” Hence most NZ businesses close on Friday afternoons so we can all start our weekends asap.

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