
Why are we still doing that ?

So, I've tried many other subreddits seeking advice but I just end up deleting the post because I don't believe it fits there. I'm gonna try here. Anyways, the passed 7 months I've been working for my countries Coast Guard. Did the 3 months of basic training, which included a million push-ups and situps and various forms of punishment. Now, we are doing on the job training. Meaning: our time in basic training has finished. But for some reason I am still being given push-ups to do. Like a few weeks ago (still after BT) I was given 25 push-ups because I couldn't catch a metal water bottle that was flung at me. I wish I was joking. And it's gotten to a point I'm dreading coming to work. And the one making me do all of this is 1 rank ahead of me. Couple weeks ago we were doing…

So, I've tried many other subreddits seeking advice but I just end up deleting the post because I don't believe it fits there. I'm gonna try here.

Anyways, the passed 7 months I've been working for my countries Coast Guard. Did the 3 months of basic training, which included a million push-ups and situps and various forms of punishment.

Now, we are doing on the job training. Meaning: our time in basic training has finished. But for some reason I am still being given push-ups to do. Like a few weeks ago (still after BT) I was given 25 push-ups because I couldn't catch a metal water bottle that was flung at me. I wish I was joking.

And it's gotten to a point I'm dreading coming to work.

And the one making me do all of this is 1 rank ahead of me. Couple weeks ago we were doing our driving training for trailering boats in and out of the water.

I'm the first group so I go first. That night I get a text from her saying that I need to come back the next day for 0830. I get there for 0815. The instructor arrives at 0930. He's ready for us and what not and as I am sitting down in the truck she ask me what am I doing in there. I tell her because I'm the first group like yesterday. She told I'm no and to get out. As I walk out she laughs and tells me I gonna have a long day. It was my day off. I was fuming. I didn't get home till 2:30 pm.

She has been on my case since I've been on her shift.

I came from EMS. A place that encouraged you to take time off if you need it. Coming here I get told off for taking requested time off. On top of all of that, I don't get my schedule till the night before the shift starts.

Extremely unorganized and the attitudes are enabled. I'm fed up. I'm on probation for a year and I'm trying to bite my lip. I don't like this place and it is not what I thought. It's not exactly a military but a Para military or some shit.

I have way more stories of this same individual. I am told since I am a recruit I can't say anything. But recently I have been. I am a grown ass man that just wants to learn the job and be good at it. The disciplinary foundation has been set already.

And they constantly look for you'd fuck ups and punish you for them. Whenever you get the chance to learn something they are cussing you and telling you how you're fucking up without encouraging you. I'm afraid to ask for help.

I've been called worthless and useless countless times. I'm getting real sick of it. Honestly.

I need advice.

Does the US coast guard still give collective punishment after the 8 weeks ? If so, then maybe I am not understanding this military culture properly. I'll accept I'm a big baby and move on lol. But I would love some insight.

Thank you guys. Feels good man.

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