
Why are y’all “anti work”? Here’s my impression of modern careers and opportunities:

Firstly, I for one do not consider myself anti-work, however I have had the support from my job and a little finance from my parents to have what most may consider a frictionless transition between school and work. I am, to a degree, privileged. When I hear “anti-work” I think of two things: an abstract society where all needs of the people are met (to me this is impossibly sustainable considering the high demand for labor currently), and the negative connotation of the stereotypical lazy communist. I’ve seen a common argument made on this sub claiming “Labor is not desirable or fulfilling”. This is but an opinion of course. I find labor to be essential to human survival. If we were to never industrialize what would the world look like? I believe it would be an agrarian society where all individuals fend more for themselves (very labor intensive). But then…

Firstly, I for one do not consider myself anti-work, however I have had the support from my job and a little finance from my parents to have what most may consider a frictionless transition between school and work. I am, to a degree, privileged. When I hear “anti-work” I think of two things: an abstract society where all needs of the people are met (to me this is impossibly sustainable considering the high demand for labor currently), and the negative connotation of the stereotypical lazy communist. I’ve seen a common argument made on this sub claiming “Labor is not desirable or fulfilling”. This is but an opinion of course. I find labor to be essential to human survival. If we were to never industrialize what would the world look like? I believe it would be an agrarian society where all individuals fend more for themselves (very labor intensive). But then I look at modern society, the opportunity and differences. It seems that on this earth both societies are built off labor. Hand work or head work. For all creatures, advanced or simple, it seems labor is part of life. So what is the argument for “Anti-work”?

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