
Why do all of these jobs want me to kill myself all day for them.

I quit a job of 4.5 years because they started expecting me to reach unrealistic goals. Went to a new job that was 10 times worse so I walked out after 3 weeks. Started another job last week. 1st week was good now on my second week their riding my ass about not being fast enough. I come in I work a steady consistent speed all day. My work is right and they compliment my quality but are irritated that it takes me so long to make what I’m making. I’m starting to think that I’m just a slow worker . Every job I’ve ever had complains I work slow yet what I’m doing is done right. When I do it fast it’s half assed or wrong and I just can’t mentally do that.

I quit a job of 4.5 years because they started expecting me to reach unrealistic goals. Went to a new job that was 10 times worse so I walked out after 3 weeks. Started another job last week. 1st week was good now on my second week their riding my ass about not being fast enough. I come in I work a steady consistent speed all day. My work is right and they compliment my quality but are irritated that it takes me so long to make what I’m making. I’m starting to think that I’m just a slow worker . Every job I’ve ever had complains I work slow yet what I’m doing is done right. When I do it fast it’s half assed or wrong and I just can’t mentally do that.

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