
Why do job ads list legal requirements as ‘benefits’?

Like all you can do to tell me how great it is to work there is 'we provide the minimum legally required sick leave and maternity leave' groundbreaking. But spread it out so it looks like a long list. And that's like the sum total of the 'why we should work there' list, alongside maybe 'this will be challenging (because we are assholes) and we require high quality outputs (with high expectations)' huzzah.

Like all you can do to tell me how great it is to work there is 'we provide the minimum legally required sick leave and maternity leave' groundbreaking. But spread it out so it looks like a long list.

And that's like the sum total of the 'why we should work there' list, alongside maybe 'this will be challenging (because we are assholes) and we require high quality outputs (with high expectations)' huzzah.

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