
Why don’t bosses seem to understand the usefulness of cell phones?

So I'm a bit of a youngster and am fairly tech savvy and I use this to my advantage. I work in an office setting though am very rarely at my desk as my job is more organization/prepping documents/meeting clients etc. As I'm seldom at my desk, I use my phone a lot for note keeping and organization as it's easier than pen and paper and much more spatially efficient. I've got lists, calendar info, things I need to do, etc all kept in my phone. The other day I was waiting for an elevator and my boss walks by. She goes “you seem to always have your face buried in that thing” as I was on my phone looking at what else I need to get done today. Now my boss is a whole other tangent as she doesn't seem to have any idea what I do for a…

So I'm a bit of a youngster and am fairly tech savvy and I use this to my advantage. I work in an office setting though am very rarely at my desk as my job is more organization/prepping documents/meeting clients etc. As I'm seldom at my desk, I use my phone a lot for note keeping and organization as it's easier than pen and paper and much more spatially efficient. I've got lists, calendar info, things I need to do, etc all kept in my phone. The other day I was waiting for an elevator and my boss walks by. She goes “you seem to always have your face buried in that thing” as I was on my phone looking at what else I need to get done today. Now my boss is a whole other tangent as she doesn't seem to have any idea what I do for a living and I was never given a set job description so frankly no one knows exactly what my job is, myself included, I just know when things aren't my job. But I digress. Also her comment came as a hostile aside because I'm waiting for an elevator (our elevators aren't great and I've had times it takes 10 mins just to get one) so of course I'm going to find something to do with that down time. Queue my boss going “I used to not let (my role) have their phones during the day. Don't make me go back to that.” Like ma'am I have the entire library of Alexandria in my back pocket, any knowledge I could need and any form of note I could take are in the palm of my hand. It's an infinite resource and is regularly used for collective data sharing. My boss, who is old enough to predate having a phone or even a pager in the workplace, obviously does not agree with that stance. I don't get it. Your car is more efficient than in the 80s, right? Computers have made their way into the regular work setting, right? You no longer use a typewriter for everything, right? So how is it so hard to grasp that this handheld computer is more of a useful tool than a nuisance item if used properly. I get there's a line between work and play, and a phone can be both, but when you have honestly no idea what I do during the day, are you eligible to make those kinds of comments? Infuriating

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