
Why don’t companies give a shit about COVID anymore?

My boyfriend called out for tomorrow because of possibly being sick. He’s getting tested tomorrow, but he doesn’t want to risk going and getting anyone sick because he works with a bunch of people over 60. And the CEO herself went out of her way to slam him and bitch at him for being “irresponsible” and claim that COVID isn’t real anymore like two people in her office didn’t call out for the same thing last week. I’m just pulling out my hair over this.

My boyfriend called out for tomorrow because of possibly being sick. He’s getting tested tomorrow, but he doesn’t want to risk going and getting anyone sick because he works with a bunch of people over 60.

And the CEO herself went out of her way to slam him and bitch at him for being “irresponsible” and claim that COVID isn’t real anymore like two people in her office didn’t call out for the same thing last week.

I’m just pulling out my hair over this.

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