
Why don’t I get promoted?

So, long story short, I started a new job in October. Within a couple months I had requested to and had been trained in every area of the facility, and fast forward to now, I have mastered all four stations and frequently go above and beyond in them. My issue stems from this: in November, some girls were hired, and I've just recently found out that one of them is already becoming a supervisor, my new BOSS, after only 2 months of working here despite only having mastered one of the four stations here and being kind of trained in another. So what gives? I've asked about being promoted before but got a roundabout half answer. I'd say I'm well liked socially around here, I just joke around and don't really make problems so idk Honestly I don't truly care about being promoted, being recognized for my good work is…

So, long story short, I started a new job in October. Within a couple months I had requested to and had been trained in every area of the facility, and fast forward to now, I have mastered all four stations and frequently go above and beyond in them. My issue stems from this: in November, some girls were hired, and I've just recently found out that one of them is already becoming a supervisor, my new BOSS, after only 2 months of working here despite only having mastered one of the four stations here and being kind of trained in another. So what gives? I've asked about being promoted before but got a roundabout half answer. I'd say I'm well liked socially around here, I just joke around and don't really make problems so idk

Honestly I don't truly care about being promoted, being recognized for my good work is what I really want I think, so having someone become my boss that works half as hard as me is just fucking disheartening.

Also, I'm not gonna just quit, I like this job. Working less hard isn't something I'm interested in either as I'll just get bored

For some context, the culture is a lot of young people, mostly teenage girls (I'm a male in my early 20s)

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