
Why don’t we come up with solutions then?

I'm sure I will be downvoted but I don't care. There is a lot of talent, potential and resources on this subreddit. We can think of solutions that we can do. Now. While we can rail against the current capitalist system, not to mention mourn those who when they DO find success, cut the rope with an 'I'm alright Jack, I've got mine' we can still be more proactive. People are striking worldwide – UK, Europe and mass walkouts in China. The whole 'denounce socialism' stunt in Congress is exactly that, a stunt. The elites are getting scared since we are as smart as they are only there are more of us. While right now you might be stuck with a dead-end job just about surviving, this would be a good time to think about how a business might start and operate. While you need money and resources, not everyone…

I'm sure I will be downvoted but I don't care. There is a lot of talent, potential and resources on this subreddit. We can think of solutions that we can do. Now.

While we can rail against the current capitalist system, not to mention mourn those who when they DO find success, cut the rope with an 'I'm alright Jack, I've got mine' we can still be more proactive.

People are striking worldwide – UK, Europe and mass walkouts in China. The whole 'denounce socialism' stunt in Congress is exactly that, a stunt. The elites are getting scared since we are as smart as they are only there are more of us.

While right now you might be stuck with a dead-end job just about surviving, this would be a good time to think about how a business might start and operate. While you need money and resources, not everyone is solely driven by money.

Think about how you would do something realistic as a means to work for instance. Likes starting your own business. Your aims, the market? how many people you would pay? There will never not be risks but not going beyond your means will aid you in this. We are assuming you would seek to treat your employees as you would be treated. Such as a snack bar. Or a bar focusing on awesome atmosphere and drinks, not having your employees gurn like they are on coke.

In work, it is easy to say this from my relatively comfortable position but working to rule. Do the best you can but don't bury yourself otherwise they will think that is your average – they will see your best as just adequate. There might be times when you have to really work hard but you can do that if you aren't a cinder.

Be less afraid about vacations – risky but go with the mindset that you are telling work about holidays not asking their permission. Of course that means you might be having to look for jobs. It sucks for you but it will suck more for them if they are always recruiting. I am aware this is US dominated but too many people look at selfless, generous people and don't see them as people, just services and resources – been burnt by that before. It will happen that you eventually find or indeed create an employer who DOES understand boundaries and appreciates their employees properly.

My own experience and this subreddit has shown me ways in which I can be a better manager and probably employer for real which might happen near the end of this decade (some inventions I am in the preliminary stages of initializing). I find it hard to believe that people on r/antiwork cannot share some of their skills and knowledge with others here, pool their resources and create solutions.

This starts here, r/antiwork !

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