
Why I believe things will only get worse for our working conditions under capitalism in America.

Like many here we’ve probably seen the “VOTE” posts re-emerging and any naysayers swiftly being discarded as complicit to capitalism and the situations we all find ourselves in. Don’t worry if you’re on either side of the argument, but here I believe is the reality of the situation. Let’s start with an example. The way we view slaughtering animals lesser than us in terms of intelligence is the way our rulers view the average citizen in America. Do we feel bad briefly sometimes? Sure. But how many of us just love eating some juicy being at one of our thousand food chains for our own convenience? I know I do. I’m insulated from the horrors committed inside meat packing plants and I might be getting Uber eats for some ribs later today after this post. For morality to work, I must suffer a consequence to my actions to re-adapt to…

Like many here we’ve probably seen the “VOTE” posts re-emerging and any naysayers swiftly being discarded as complicit to capitalism and the situations we all find ourselves in. Don’t worry if you’re on either side of the argument, but here I believe is the reality of the situation. Let’s start with an example. The way we view slaughtering animals lesser than us in terms of intelligence is the way our rulers view the average citizen in America. Do we feel bad briefly sometimes? Sure. But how many of us just love eating some juicy being at one of our thousand food chains for our own convenience? I know I do. I’m insulated from the horrors committed inside meat packing plants and I might be getting Uber eats for some ribs later today after this post. For morality to work, I must suffer a consequence to my actions to re-adapt to the current way of things like any intelligence does. Cows killing humans? Horses can talk? Chickens demanding healthcare or they kill my family and eat me alive? Gee I guess I shouldn’t get Uber eats then. And there you have it if you haven’t caught on already. We work in a system where rich people are insulated from our actions, and they can make us work wherever they want when they want because there are no consequences we enforce together to change the game. It’d be nice of us to care about the blood boiling screams of the species we rule over, but I’m sure their vote will save them from “the grind”. Back to work for me tomorrow 🙂

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