
why is it so confusing.

Im not sure that this is a good thing, but i am 27 years old and I am going on my one year anniversary soon at my job. I do like this place. Yeah it has issues (what place doesn't?) but I feel that they genuinely do try to help the employees. the one thing that makes me sad though is that It doesn't matter what raises I get or how far up my company I can move, compared to inflation and just cost of living, it doesn't matter. I seem to always be one step behind and its so frustrating. I spend 8 hours a day on my feet working, my child is at daycare for about 9-10 hours depending on errands, and I see my partner for maybe 1.5 to two hours a day. My mental health crashed, my doctor wanted me to get admitted into the hospital.…

Im not sure that this is a good thing, but i am 27 years old and I am going on my one year anniversary soon at my job. I do like this place. Yeah it has issues (what place doesn't?) but I feel that they genuinely do try to help the employees.

the one thing that makes me sad though is that It doesn't matter what raises I get or how far up my company I can move, compared to inflation and just cost of living, it doesn't matter. I seem to always be one step behind and its so frustrating. I spend 8 hours a day on my feet working, my child is at daycare for about 9-10 hours depending on errands, and I see my partner for maybe 1.5 to two hours a day.

My mental health crashed, my doctor wanted me to get admitted into the hospital. my workplace gave me partial unemployment and gave me three days a week off to attend IOP and get help. but that really hurt my finances, so its like im being screwed over the whole way through. I ended up leaving the program and am going back to work full time because apparently I do better with Routine.

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